Jobs365 - General

by BCS Itera

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Archive Jobs and send job amounts to GL budget.

Jobs365 - General

This extension provides additional functionality for Jobs module.

Solution offers:

  • WIP calculation by manual WIP %.
  • Automatic Job and Job Task dimensions.
  • Job archiving.
  • Sending job amounts to GL budget.
  • Batch changing markup/discount on job planning lines.
  • Batch changing GL account/Item/Resource on job planning lines.
  • Batch updating unit cost and unit price on job planning lines based relevant cards or pricelists.

Supported Editions

This extension supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries

All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported Languages

The app is available in: English (United States), Estonian (Estonia)

Contact Information

For more information and pricing please contact BCS Itera AS:

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